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Heel Pain is No Fun

Hi. My name is Sandra Newell. I’m a thirty-five-year-old professional. I’m telling you that I’m a professional because that will explain why I spent a good portion of my waking hours in shoes with high heels. I never wore extremely high heels, but did frequently wear those that were three inches high. That was until I developed horrible heel pain. My doctor heard me out and then sent me to a podiatrist. As it happened, I had a number of things going against me. I was wearing shoes that were too tight, too high, and didn't have any arch support. Moreover, I shouldn't leave out the fact that I wore pointy toed shoes that left me with a few ingrown toenails every year. I’m going to share what my podiatrist has done for me, and how he helped educate me in the art of wearing comfy, yet stylish shoes.

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Heel Pain is No Fun


Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Options To Explore

If your doctor has recently diagnosed you with plantar fasciitis, one of the most common causes of heel pain, you are likely considering all the treatment options. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia, which is a band of tissue that is thick and fibrous and runs from your heel to your toes, becomes irritated and inflamed. This pain and inflammation are caused by several things, from natural aging to having high arches or simply being on your feet too long.

What Those With Diabetes Should Understand About Custom Foot Orthotics

For those with diabetes, there are many different types of preventative care that may be recommended to minimize the risk of complications down the road. One of the things that many diabetics dismiss until it becomes a serious concern is foot health. If you or a loved one have recently received a diabetes diagnosis, here's a look at what you need to know about custom foot orthotics and your overall foot health.