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Heel Pain is No Fun

Hi. My name is Sandra Newell. I’m a thirty-five-year-old professional. I’m telling you that I’m a professional because that will explain why I spent a good portion of my waking hours in shoes with high heels. I never wore extremely high heels, but did frequently wear those that were three inches high. That was until I developed horrible heel pain. My doctor heard me out and then sent me to a podiatrist. As it happened, I had a number of things going against me. I was wearing shoes that were too tight, too high, and didn't have any arch support. Moreover, I shouldn't leave out the fact that I wore pointy toed shoes that left me with a few ingrown toenails every year. I’m going to share what my podiatrist has done for me, and how he helped educate me in the art of wearing comfy, yet stylish shoes.

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Heel Pain is No Fun


5 Foot Issues That Make Your Feet Look Odd

When thinking about body issues, it seems that everyone takes a bit of umbrage with the foot. Most people are not happy with seeing others' feet in public, and many aren't even happy with seeing their own feet. A medical explanation might exist for your odd looking feet, however. This brief article will examine five issues that commonly make people a little self conscious of their own feet. Have a look at what might be affecting your foot--hammer toe, bunion, hallux limitus, clubbed feet, or claw toe.