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Heel Pain is No Fun

Hi. My name is Sandra Newell. I’m a thirty-five-year-old professional. I’m telling you that I’m a professional because that will explain why I spent a good portion of my waking hours in shoes with high heels. I never wore extremely high heels, but did frequently wear those that were three inches high. That was until I developed horrible heel pain. My doctor heard me out and then sent me to a podiatrist. As it happened, I had a number of things going against me. I was wearing shoes that were too tight, too high, and didn't have any arch support. Moreover, I shouldn't leave out the fact that I wore pointy toed shoes that left me with a few ingrown toenails every year. I’m going to share what my podiatrist has done for me, and how he helped educate me in the art of wearing comfy, yet stylish shoes.

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Heel Pain is No Fun

What Those With Diabetes Should Understand About Custom Foot Orthotics

by Caroline Harper

For those with diabetes, there are many different types of preventative care that may be recommended to minimize the risk of complications down the road. One of the things that many diabetics dismiss until it becomes a serious concern is foot health. If you or a loved one have recently received a diabetes diagnosis, here's a look at what you need to know about custom foot orthotics and your overall foot health.

Why Should Diabetics Be Concerned About Foot Health?

To understand why those with diabetes should seek custom foot orthotics, you need to understand why foot care is such a concern. Diabetes can cause blood flow to the extremities to slow, and it can lead to nerve damage, often referred to as diabetic neuropathy. 

This nerve damage can make it difficult to feel your feet, which not only makes walking a challenge, but it can also make it difficult to determine when your feet have suffered an injury. Pair that with the slower blood circulation, and you have a perfect recipe for infections and severe problems in your feet. 

How Can Custom Foot Orthotics Help?

Investing in custom foot orthotics right away when you're diagnosed with diabetes can help in a variety of ways. First, orthotics can enhance the support your feet get in your shoes, which can make it easier to walk. Since physical activity is essential for maintaining heart health and encouraging circulation, this can actually slow or prevent the circulatory problems that cause some diabetic foot issues.

Additionally, custom foot orthotics are molded to your feet and designed to compensate for the way that you walk. If your gait has changed because of your weight, mobility problems, or other issues associated with diabetes, custom orthotics can help to compensate for that and restore your posture. This can help minimize some of the risks of nerve problems.

You'll also find that custom foot orthotics help to balance the pressure across your feet, which can reduce friction-related problems such as calluses and corns that can become infected and cause long-term issues.

How Can You Get Custom Foot Orthotics?

If you think that custom foot orthotics may be an ideal solution for your situation, you should talk with your doctor about obtaining a prescription. With a prescription for custom orthotics, your insurance company will cover some, or all, of the cost. 

Then, your doctor will refer you to an orthopedist to have your orthotics cast and molded. When they're done, you'll meet with the orthopedist one more time to have them fit into your shoes and to test their design to be sure that they fit your needs.

Contact a clinic like Advanced Foot Clinic to learn more.
